Lantero ReportInsight

Lantero's whole approach feels serious and well thought out, it suits us.

– Customer at Lantero

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Incident reports are efficiently and systematically managed with ReportInsight

Ensure that employees can report inaccuracies in a secure manner and that there is a structure for how these reports are handled and documented.

Often, situations arise that employers should investigate. Call it an incident, deviation, staff matter, or something else. Then, a system is needed to facilitate structuring the work.

Screenshot of ReportInsight app
Image describing Governance and control

Governance and control

Allocate incoming reports to those with the best expertise to investigate and address them. Ensure overall control over progress and deadlines.

With ReportInsight, you get all the tools you need for smooth managing of incoming reports.

Image describing Anonymity and dialogue

Anonymity and dialogue

In some cases, the reporter must be able to remain anonymous. By providing this option, the employer ensures that even the most sensitive incidents are reported. Through chat functions, it is possible to have a dialogue, even with an anonymous reporter.

Image describing Strategic follow-up

Strategic follow-up

The system provides a good overview of the types of reports received, which departments are most affected, and whether there is any individual supplier responsible for many reports.

These are some of the features that make the tool suitable for strategic follow-up and continuous quality work.

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