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Newsletter early summer 2024

Published: June 11, 2024

In connection with the requirement for a whistleblowing channel for smaller companies in Sweden that came into effect at the end of 2023, we at Lantero experienced an intense period. We have welcomed many new companies and organizations as clients. Some of you are in close contact with us regarding cases or other advisory services, while we have much more sparse interaction with others. We are always available if you need assistance.

We are now working on new services, primarily related to regulations, reporting, and case management processes. A particular focus is the fight against welfare crime and fraud, an area undergoing significant development, especially in the public sector. For many municipalities and authorities, welfare crime is a special focus as costs have recently increased rapidly, and the area has been identified as possibly the primary source of funding for organized crime.

We have long had close cooperation with many municipalities in related areas and are collaborating particularly closely in this project with a handful of municipalities that are at the forefront of the fight against welfare crime. Together, we are developing effective tools for the overall effort and, from a national perspective, for sharing best practices in this area. If you are interested in participating in the development work in future phases, please feel free to contact us.

The whistleblowing service is also being further developed based on our customer interactions. We are adding functionality and making the tool easier to use. For instance, we have established new possibilities to easily revert a case in the case management process.

As part of Lantero's maintenance work, we will be performing a server migration on June 12th between 13:00 and 16:00 CET. During this time, the system will be unavailable for login, and whistleblowers will not be able to submit a report via the web form. We have chosen to carry out the upgrade during the time of day when new whistleblower cases are normally not reported in the system. We thank you in advance for your patience!