Brief comment on new whistleblower legislation
Published: September 15, 2020
The new whistleblower directive from the EU will be implemented into national legislation from December 2021.
**In Sweden all organizations with more than 50 employees will be mandated to implement an internal whistleblower system, including authorities. **
The Swedish 800 page committee report was submitted in June. The proposition includes:
The whistleblowers' anonymity needs to be guaranteed.
Investigators need to be independent.
Certain demands for how reporting can be conducted, e.g. both verbally and in writing.
Investigations should be handled within a certain deadline and the whistleblower has the right to some information on the investigation findings.
Data needs to be handled and stored in a safe manner.
Fines for non-compliance should be deterrent.
There needs to be someone appointed as responsible for the reporting channel.
Lantero fullfils all the demand and closely follows the development to be able to offer a fully compliant solution.
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