Ny EU-lag ska skydda visselblåsare
Publicerad: 8 maj 2018
EU föreslår en ny lag för att skydda visselblåsare. Alla företag med mer än 50 anställda eller omsättning över 10 miljoner euro måste enligt förslaget ha ett visselblåsarsystem. Detsamma gäller för kommuner eller motsvarande med mer än 10 000 invånare.
Kortfattat om kraven från EU:s pressmeddelande på temat:
Clear reporting channels, within and outside of the organisation, ensuring confidentiality;
A three tier reporting system of:
Internal reporting channels;
Reporting to competent authorities – if internal channels do not work or could not reasonably be expected to work (for example where the use of internal channels could jeopardise the effectiveness of investigative actions by the authorities responsible);
Public/media reporting – if no appropriate action is taken after reporting through other channels, or in case of imminent or clear danger to the public interest or irreversible damage;
Feedback obligations for authorities and companies, who will have to respond and follow-up to the whistleblowers' reports within 3 months for internal reporting channels;
Prevention of retaliation and effective protection: all forms of retaliation are forbidden and should be sanctioned. If a whistleblower suffers retaliation, he or she should have access to free advice and adequate remedies (for example measures to stop workplace harassment or prevent dismissal). The burden of proof will be reversed in such cases, so that the person or organisation must prove that they are not acting in retaliation against the whistleblower. Whistleblowers will also be protected in judicial proceedings, in particular through an exemption from liability for disclosing the information.